Stocktake for robotic stock

Stocktake - After Hours





Once counting is completed, the counting sheet can be imported directly into Fred NXT Office to updated the counted values.

The Import Stocktake function is available from the main Stocktake grid or from each individual stocktake.

The import function only accepts .csv files. If the counting sheet has been converted to another file format, it must be saved again as .csv prior to import. You stocktake provider will take care to re-format the barcode column in the file to ensure it displays as required.

  1. From Stocktake, click Import Stocktake:
    • If accessing Import Stocktake from the Stocktake grid, you can select from all the existing open stocktakes.
    • If accessing Import Stocktake from an existing stocktake, it is already selected in the wizard.
  2. Click Browse to select the completed .csv counting sheet.

  3. Click Next to move to the column mapping screen.
  4. Use the Select drop down to map each header in the .csv counting sheet to a header in the stocktake grid.

  5. (Required) Ensure that at least once header is mapped to Counted.
  6. (Optional) Map other columns to ItemId and/or Barcode.

    If either or both these columns are mapped, they are used by the Import wizard as additional matching criteria.

    If a match cannot be found, this row will be imported.

  7. If the first line of the .csv counting sheet contains header, switch the toggle to Yes to exclude this row from the import process, as it will cause the import to fail.

  8. Click Next to start the import process and review the import results.

  9. If the import contains failed rows, click Export Failed Record.

    Failed records are saved to a .csv file. An Error Log header is added to provide details about the failure to import each row.

    Once corrected, this same file can be used for re-import. In this case, the counted quantities would be appended to the stocktake.

    Alternatively, you may chose to ignore the failed rows and complete the process.

  10. Click Finish to complete the import and return to the open stocktake grid.
  11. Review the values in the Counted column, then click Commit to finalise the stocktake and update the SOH (at the store and at Head Office).