Robotic templates
If you have already created a robotic stock ordering template, refer to Drafts for robotic stock
Create a new robotic stock ordering template
- In the Drafts form, click Create to open a new draft.
- Enter a Name for this new draft.
By default, it is set to <User initials>: <Date> <time>.
Recommended: Change to a more descriptive namer for easy identification and retrieval.
- Select Create a new Template, then click OK to open the Template Wizard.
- Select the Method for adding products:
- Choose products to add
Hierarchy: Choose Robotic Stock Supplemental Hierarchy
Category: Leave as default
You can also specify a Vendor or Manufacturer, but generally, you would leave these as the default.
- Choose products to add
Press Next.
- Select the method for generating ordering quantities.
- Project the Rate of Usage (RoU) by a specific number of days
Fred NXT Office suggests ordering quantities.
You can project up to 365 days.
The projected ROU calculation includes negative SOH to ensure items with a low ROU and which have been dispensed are not missed in the projection.
- Replenishment
Use the calendar to select a date from which you want to replenish all lines sold.
To ensure data is not missed, the template stores the date of the latest sold item included into the most recently generated template.
While the Date and Time stamp is configurable, the retention of this value ensures the next run of the template correctly recalls all items sold since the last run, without any gap.
- Toggle the other options between Yes and No as required:
Products sold then voided at the POS are not included in the draft.
Options Descriptions Adjust for Available Stock When set, the suggested ordering Qty is adjusted to take into account the existing SOH.
The calculation is:
Suggested Qty - SOH = Adjusted Qty.
If the Adjusted Qty results is 0 or less, the line is removed from the Draft.
This option is enabled by default.
Adjust for Safety Stock When set, the suggested Qty is adjusted to ensure it is equal or superior to the Safety Stock value set in the Product card.
Adjust for Quantities on Order When set, the suggested Qty is adjusted to take into account quantities on existing Open Orders.
For example, If the suggested Qty for this draft is 10, but 6 are already on Open Orders, the Qty for this draft is adjusted to 4.
Reach Minimum Order Quantities The suggested Qty for the line is rounded up to ensure it matches the Min. Order Qty set by the vendor selected for this product. Only Show Primary Vendor This option displays only if a Vendor has been selected at Step 2.
- Project the Rate of Usage (RoU) by a specific number of days
- In the Summary step, toggle the Save as new Template option to Yes, then name the template before saving.
The Summary view provides a list of all the options that have been set in this template.
Press Finish.
When the template is saved, it is actioned immediately.
The Create Draft form is open with the name of the template and a Date and Time stamp.
The suggested lines with adjusted quantities are displayed in the grid.