DAA Administrator for Fred Dispense Plus

DAA Packing Services

The DAA Administrator integration for Fred Dispense Plus enables connectivity with DAA Administrator software provided by DAA Packing Services.

The integration:

  • Does:

    • Utilise user facing interface within Fred Dispense Plus.

    • The integration is currently restricted to use within stores as agreed that are involved in pilot phase.

  • When enabled, sensitive information is made available by Fred and through Fred Dispense Plus to DAA Packing Services without any user actions via AppBar and Cloud APIs.
  • To request and/or authorise Fred to facilitate access to Fred Dispense Plus data, navigate to https://fred.au/sda and complete the online form. This same form can be used in requesting Termination or Reset of credentials.

Integration Features

Initial extraction of data from Fred Dispense Plus (and as new Facilities are added):

  • Facilities (All)

  • Patients (within Facilities managed within DAA Administrator)

  • Scripts (for Patients within Facilities managed within DAA Administrator)

Real-time integration is included for:

  • Medications

  • Scripts

  • Patients


The DAA Administrator for Fred Dispense Plus integration requires authorisation provided as follows:

  • Time period: Forever (until notified of end)

  • Data is: Personally Identifiable

Upon authorisation from the pharmacy being received and validated, Fred notifies DAA Packing Services that the integration is ready to proceed and provides credentials that facilitate store data access; this includes pharmacy identifying information as provided within the authorisation form. Customers receive a notification to advise of completion by Fred.


DAA Packing Services privacy policy can be obtained by emailing admin@daapackingservices.com.au

AppBar (Real-time)

The following events and operations are used by the DAA Adminstrator AppBar app and include identifying information related to Medications, Patients and Scripts. The events utilised include data related to Facilities, Prescribers and Workers though these elements are not utilised in delivery of the integration. This information is used in providing awareness of new and edited scripts beyond the initial information extracted via Cloud API described below.

As events occur:

When requested (by the app):

New Script

Open browser panel

Script Edit


Script Completed

Script Date Changed


Script Owing Changed  
Script Repeat Changed  
Script Canceled  

Cloud API: Medication Management (Initial Extraction and as new facility is added)

Bulk extraction of data occurs via Cloud API, where identifiable sensitive data related to Facilities, Patients & Scripts is initiated by off-premise processes within the DAA Administrator software. Data returned by the Medication Management API is returned to the cloud services utilised by DAA Packing Services using secured methods and is stored in off-premise databases used and managed by DAA Packing Services.

Initial extraction involves collection of data for all Facilities, the Patients within Facilities serviced by the pharmacy as referenced in DAA Administrator and Scripts associated with those Patients (13 months). In addition Product data from Fred Dispense Plus is extracted on a daily basis. This includes Product identifiers and Drug information. and Prescribers.

Script data for patients, for the preceding 13 months, are extracted as part of initial load.


NXTQ is not used as part of the DAA Administrator integration.

Support and Scope

DAA Packing Services resources are responsible for processes required for initial deployment, configuration and ongoing maintenance required. No additional Fred Dispense Plus configuration is required from Fred for this integration to function. The DAA Administrator app can be added via the AppBar Manager; availability is currently restricted to agreed stores during pilot phase.

Upon authorisation from the pharmacy being received and validated, Fred notifies DAA Packing Services that the integration is ready to proceed and provides credentials that facilitate store data access. Customers receive a notification to advise of completion by Fred.

The Fred Help team are available to provide mutual customers with assistance that relates to Fred Dispense Plus operations use, including any troubleshooting associated with the integration methods provided by Fred. This does not extend to third party transformation of and/or receipt of data provided by the integration methods, which should be raised with the DAA Packing Services Support Contact Points (see below).

Support Contact Points

The DAA Packing Services support team provides support related to DAA Administrator.

  • Customer Support Phone: 1300 322 772
  • Email: admin@daapackingservices.com.au

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