Cloud API: Medication Management
Pharmacies may enable third parties to access data stored within Fred Dispense Plus databases. The data that can be accessed by third parties is grouped into requirement focus points.
Within the Medication Management focus point, information is provided across the following categories:
- Pharmacy Identifiers
- Patients
- Prescribers
- Facilities
- Scripts
- Sales
- Stocks
- Barcodes
The Medication Management API provides data that has not been de-identified, it contains personally identifiable information across categories including Patient, Prescriber and Scripts.
Field Types
- String - Characters including digits
- Long - A whole number, larger range than an integer
- Flag - True or False value
- Int (Integer) - A whole number
- Datetime - A date and time value
- Decimal - A numeric value including decimal precision
Field Grouping | Field | Format | Comments |
Identifier - Store | Store Number | String | |
Identifier - Patient | Id | Long | |
Identifier - Account | Account Number | String | |
Identifier - Prescriber | Preferred Prescriber Id | Long | |
Identifier - Facility | Facilility Id | Long | |
Identifier - Family | Family Id | String | |
Additional | Is Hospital or Facility Patient | Flag | |
Additional | Modified Date Time | Datetime (extended) | |
Patient - Name | Last Name | String | |
Patient - Name | First Name | String | |
Patient - Name | Title | String | |
Patient - Other | Gender | String | |
Patient - Postal | Street Address | String | |
Patient - Postal | Suburb | String | |
Patient - Postal | State | String | |
Patient - Postal | Postcode | String | |
Patient - Other | Date Of Birth | Datetime (short) | |
Patient - Electronic | String | ||
Patient - Electronic | Phone | String | |
Patient - Electronic | Mobile | String | |
Medicare | Medicare Number | String | |
Medicare | Medicare Expiry Date | Datetime (short) | |
Medicare | Medicare Last Name | String | |
Medicare | Medicare First Name | String | |
Medicare - Flag | Is CTG | Flag | |
Concession | Concession Number | String | |
Concession | Concession Expiry Date | Datetime (short) | |
Repat | Repat Type | String | |
Repat | Repat Number | String | |
Saftey Net | Safety Net Number | String | |
Saftey Net - Previous | Previous Safety Net Number | String | |
Notes | Note | String | |
Extra - Flag | Repeats Held At Pharmacy | Flag | |
Extra - Flag | Is Aboriginal | Flag | |
Extra - Flag | Is Torres Strait Islander | Flag | |
Extra - Choice | Status | Flag | |
Extra - Choice | Generic Only | String | |
Extra - Prescriber | Preferred Prescriber Name | Flag | |
Extra - Facility | Facility Name | String | |
Extra - Facility | Facility Type | String | |
Extra - Facility | Facility Number | String | |
Extra - Facility | Category | String | |
Extra - Facility | Ward Number | String | |
Extra - Facility | Room Number | String | |
Extra - Facility | Bed Number | String | |
Extra - Facility | UR Number | Long | |
Extra - Facility | Med Chart End Date | Datetime (short) |
Field Grouping | Field | Format |
Comments |
Identifier - Store | Store Number | String | |
Identifier - Prescriber | Id | Long | |
Additional | Modified Date Time | Datetime (extended) | |
Prescriber - Name | Last Name | String | |
Prescriber - Name | First Name | String | |
Prescriber - Identifier | Prescriber Number | String | |
Prescriber - Address | Street Address | String | |
Prescriber - Address | Suburb | String | |
Prescriber - Address | State | String | |
Prescriber - Address | Postcode | String | |
Prescriber - ElectronicAddress | String | ||
Prescriber - ElectronicAddress | Phone | String | |
Prescriber - ElectronicAddress | Mobile | String | |
Prescriber - ElectronicAddress | Fax | String | |
Practioner | Fast Code | String | |
Practioner | Prescriber Type | String | |
Practioner | Status | String |
Field Grouping | Field | Format | Comments |
Identifier - Store | Store Number | String | |
Identifier | Id | Long | |
Additional | Modified Date Time | Datetime (extended) | |
Details - Facility | Name | String | |
Details - Facility | Facility Type | String | |
Details - Facility | RACF Id | String | |
Details - Facility | Fast Code | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Street Address | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Suburb | String | |
Details - Postal Address | State | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Postcode | String | |
Details - Electronic Address | String | ||
Details - Electronic Address | Phone | String | |
Details - Electronic Address | Mobile | String | |
Details - Electronic Address | Fax | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Alt Street Address | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Alt Suburb | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Alt State | String | |
Details - Postal Address | Alt Postcode | String | |
Details - Facility | Hospital Provider Number | String |
Field Grouping | Field | Format |
Comments |
Pharmacy | Store Number (Internal Number) | String | |
Pharmacy | Approval Number | String | |
Worker | Operator Initials | String | |
Worker | Operator Id (Internal Number) | String | |
Patient | Patient Id (Internal Number) | String | |
Patient | Patient Suburb | String | |
Patient | Patient City | String | |
Patient | Patient Postcode | String | |
Patient | Patient Gender | String | |
Patient | Patient Birth Month and Year | String | |
Patient | Patient Category | String | |
Patient | Is Valid Medicare Number | Flag | |
Patient | Medicare Number | String | |
Patient | Repat Number | String | |
Patient | Concession Number | String | |
Patient | Patient Name | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Number | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Id (Internal Number) | Long | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Type | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Suburb | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber City | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Postcode | String | |
Prescriber | HCP Prescriber Code | String | |
Prescriber | Prescriber Name | String | |
Medication | Item Id (Internal Number) | String | |
Medication | Drug Code | String | |
Medication | Manufacturer Code | String | |
Medication | Drug Description | String | |
Medication | Drug Description Alternative | String | |
Medication | Generic Ingredient | String | |
Medication | Item Barcode | String | |
Medication | PBS Code | String | |
Medication | NHS Dispensed Code | String | |
Medication | Drug Schedule | String | |
Medication | Is S8 Report | Flag | |
Medication | Pack Size | Int |
Scripts (cont.)
Field Grouping | Field | Format | Comments |
Medication | Item Id (Internal Number) | String | |
Medication | Drug Code | String | |
Medication | Manufacturer Code | String | |
Medication | Drug Description | String | |
Medication | Drug Description Alternative | String | |
Medication | Generic Ingredient | String | |
Medication | Item Barcode | String | |
Medication | PBS Code | String | |
Medication | NHS Dispensed Code | String | |
Medication | Drug Schedule | String | |
Medication | Is S8 Report | Flag | |
Medication | Pack Size | Int | |
Script | Script Id (Internal Number) | Long | |
Script | Script Number | String | |
Script | Fast Repeat Code | String | |
Script | Script Id | Long | |
Script | Dispense Date | Datetime ( | |
Script | Prescribed Date | Datetime | |
Script | Script Type | String | |
Script | Script Type Hot Key | String | |
Script | Authority Number | String | |
Script | Original Script Number | String | |
Script | Orignal Pharmacy Number | String | |
Script | Script Class | String | |
Script | Script Status | String | |
Script | Deferred | Flag | |
Script | Is Authority Script | Flag | |
Script | Is PBS | Flag | |
Script | Generic Substitution Used | Flag | |
Script | Is Previously Deferred | Flag | |
Script | Quantity | Int | |
Script | Maximum Dispense Quantity | Int | |
Script | Repeats | Int | |
Script | Repeat Number | Int | |
Script | Repeats Left | Int | |
Script | Directions | String | |
Script | Dispense Claim Category | String | |
Script | Reg 24 Dispensing | Flag | |
Script | Immediate Supply | Flag | |
Price | Patient Price | Decimal | |
Price | Cost | Decimal | |
Price | PRF Safety Net Contribution | Decimal | |
Price | Government Estimated Rebate | Decimal | |
Price | Private Tax | Decimal |
Field Grouping | Field | Format | Comments |
Pharmacy | Store | String |
Store unique identifier. |
Worker | Clerk Code | String | |
Sale | Sale Date & Time | DateTime | |
Sale | Sale Code | String | |
Sale | Sale Type Code | String | |
Sale | Customer Code | String | |
Sale | Is Abandoned | Flag | |
Item | Sale Line Code | String | |
Item | Item Code | String | |
Item | Item Description | String | |
Item | Barcode | String | |
Item | Recommended Retail Price | Decimal | |
Item | Gross Margin Amount | Decimal | |
Item | Cost of Goods Sold Amount | Decimal | |
Item | Gross Sales Amount | Decimal | |
Item | GST Amount | Decimal | |
Item | Sales Amount Ex. GST | Decimal | |
Item | Discount Amount Ex. GST | Decimal | |
Item | Sale Quantity | Decimal | |
Item | Net Sales Amount | Decimal | |
Item | Govt Recovery Amount Ex. GST | Decimal | |
Item | Is Script | Flag | |
Item | Script Number | String |
Field Grouping | Field | Format | Comments |
Store | Store Code | String | Store unique identifier |
Item | Item Code | String | Stock code |
Item | Product Lookup Code | String | Product lookup code, alternate code for Stock |
Item | Unique Product Identifier Code | String | Unique product identifier across all stores |
Item | Barcode | String | Default Barcode |
Item | Description | String | Stock description |
Item | Department Code | Long | Natural key for product department |
Item | Department Name | String | |
Item | Category Code | Long | Natural key for product category |
Item | Category Name | String | |
Item | Stock On Hand Quantity | Decimal | At a point in time (daily). This value will reflect the last value extracted within a month. |
Item Value | Cost Price | Decimal | Cost Price per unit inc GST |
Item Value | Average Cost Price | Decimal | |
Item Value | Retail Price | Decimal | Recommended Retail Price per unit. Includes GST. |
Item Value | Retail GST Amount | Decimal | GST payable on unit price inc GST and discounts |
Item Value | Markup Percentage | Decimal | |
Item Supplier | Supplier Code | String | Default supplier code |
Item Supplier | Supplier Name | String | Default supplier name |
Field Grouping | Field | Format |
Comment |
Identifier | Store Number | String | |
Item | Item Id | String | |
Item | Barcode | String | |
Item | Barcode Setup Id | String |