Fred NXT Apps
NXT Q provides a method to queue scripts for dispensing. Scripts can be added to the queue from a variety of sources, including ScriptDrawer and third parties. As NXT Q uses eRx to store and retrieve script information, eRx must be configured and operational for NXT Q to work. The tile within the AppBar displays metrics related to scripts in the store's queue and can be clicked to display scripts in the queue.
Add NXT Q to your AppBar
- Add the NXT Q app to your Fred Dispense Plus AppBar using the AppBar Manager.
The NXT Q tile displays the number of scripts that have been queued for dispensing. Scripts queued from external sources are referenced as Other. Counts are updated dynamically as scripts are dispensed or queued.
- To configure the tile, contact Fred Support.
Set filter preferences
The scripts displayed within NXT Q can be filtered to the requirements of each workstation:
- Click to filter by Facility, Source and Packing Group.
Filtering is specific to each workstation and is retained as various users log in and out.
A visual indicator is displayed on the NXT Q when filtering is applied on this terminal.
When a filter is applied, the script count displayed on the tile (at this terminal) is adjusted to reflect the filtering.