Frequently asked questions about ePrescribing

What happens if one terminal works but not the other?

There are a number of things to consider here.

  • Was the terminal working previously and then stopped working? When Fred have been activating sites, we concentrate on the main dispense machine and advise the pharmacist to update terminal IDs in MedView Flow on the other machines. If this wasn't done then they will not work.
  • Was the Fred Dispense screen clear? If not, press F12 and try again.
  • Are you using a different web browser to the original setup? For example, if the Terminal ID was set up in MedView Flow in Chrome, then you try to use Edge there may not be any Terminal Id set and it will not link.

The tokens process most of the time, but sometimes fail. What could be the cause of this?

There are a few things to consider:

  • Was the screen clear in Fred Dispense? If not, press F12 and try again.
  • Is eRx working? There may be rare occasions when you have lost connectivity and have to dispense an ePrescription while offline. When you are offline, you cannot scan token retrieve ePrescriptions from the Script Exchange. See Offline - Dispense an ePrescription as Owing
  • Is Fred Connect working? See Start or Restart Fred Connect

Why isn't my token showing up in Fred Dispense?

Check that you've cleared the screen in Fred Dispense. If not, press F12 and try again.

How can a patient send me an ePrescription token?

MedView Patient Connect (MPC) (beta version) enables patients to forward their ePrescription tokens directly into the MedView Flow Queue of a pharmacy of their choice.

MPC is intended to assist patients isolated by COVID-19 restrictions. It supports contact-less pick-up and delivery for new and repeat ePrescriptions.

For more details, see Order scripts with MedView Patient Connect on the MedView Flow webhelp.

Does MedView Flow retrieve MediSecure barcodes?

Yes. MedView Flow can and does process both eRx and MediSecure prescriptions/tokens.

Can I defer an ePrescription?

Yes (From the release on 1 February 2021). There are few cases that will call for ePrescriptions to be deferred. For example, the patient wants the pharmacy to store the token or to enable third-party packing software to detect scripts available for dot dispensing.

  1. Start the dispense process as per normal.

  2. Once the ePrescription details are loaded into the Main Dispense screen, add the letter D after the number of Repeats.

  3. At the prompt, select Yes to confirm that you want to defer this ePrescription.

  4. In the Authentication Required dialog, provide the authorised pharmacist's password to finalise the dispense.

  5. When deferring, you will always be prompted to print the token, irrespective of the patient’s token delivery method preference.

  6. Select Yes to print the deferred token and keep it on file at the pharmacy.

    The summary of electronic prescription is printed with:

    • A new token

    • Dispense date (Deferred)

    • Number of Repeats Remaining

If a token is scanned into MedView Flow but not dispensed, is the token cancelled?

MedView Flow allows you to review the script but has no impact or effect on the status of a token/prescription. The prescription will only be marked dispensed at the time it is physically completed dispensing within the actual dispensing software.

If the dispensing event is then subsequently cancelled, the token/prescription will be reactivated.

What happens to the token when I cancel the script in Fred Dispense?

The token that was previously marked dispensed will be reactivated.

When clicking through to the public webpage of the token, this status change can be easily viewed. When marked as dispensed, the QR code is hidden and the script clearly states that the prescription has been dispensed. When cancelled and reactivated, the public webpage will render the QR Code again.

What if I want to change the directions on an electronic prescription?

You have the ability to annotate a script as does the doctor. This annotation shows in Fred Dispense under the eRx button. See ePrescription Annotations.

If I make an annotation, will the doctor see this change in future?

The doctor will not see this change, but any pharmacies dispensing available repeats will have the ability to see these annotations.

How do I send repeat tokens?

Repeat tokens are automatically sent on completion of dispensing as long as there are repeats remaining on the prescription. The token will default to be sent to the same method the previous prescription was (eg. If the original was issued as SMS it will default to that option for the repeat).

The patient may opt to have the token delivered by an alternate method if they choose. Tokens must be issued to the patient.

Can I print repeat tokens to keep on file in the pharmacy?

It is up to the patient if they want to have their tokens kept at the pharmacy. But given the nature of tokens, it makes it a lot more accessible for the patient to keep the tokens on their phone until the time they require their next supply.

Can we use the PBS stationery to print out the Token repeats?

PBS Stationery is provided free of charge to pharmacy for the purpose of paper-legal repeat creation and cannot be used for other purposes.

In order to mitigate the risks of confusion between paper-legal scripts and eScripts tokens we should ensure they look and feel different.

What if I have put through a script and the customer wants to change the token communication method?

When dispensing a token Fred prompt to advise of any changes to the customers mobile or email address and they can update it or not. It also prompts to say whether you wish to make this the token preference. If you say no to this it defaults to print.

You can change the Token Delivery Method from the Patient Details screen and then Reissue Token.

Can a token be used to mark off an owing prescription?

Yes. When marking off an owing, you can use a SCID/token to mark off the owing prescription.

See Mark off an Owing ePrescription.

What do we do with coding sticker that prints for ePrescriptions?

You can use the Pre-Preparation Report to filter for electronic prescriptions in the claim, and the Script Claim Number Display to search for specific scripts to see if they were ePrescriptions.

Can ePrescriptions be sent directly to Paperless?

ePrescriptions have no concept of an image. The image provided in MedView Flow is not a legal prescription, rather it is provided to assist dispensers. Therefore there are no actual images or scripts to send to Paperless.

Workaround: Stick the claim sticker on a blank piece of paper and scan it to send to Paperless.

This will create a placeholder for this claim serial, and this will prevent the script from displaying as missing.

We are continuing to develop further integrations between eScripts and MedView Paperless to automate this process.

What if technicians dispense all scripts and our pharmacists only do the checking?

You can Set responsible pharmacist for dispensing ePrescriptions.

What if I forget my password and the administrator is on leave?

We recommend there is more than one Admin user in Fred Dispense which eliminates the reliance on one person.

However, when prompted for your initials/password in Fred Dispense, you can click Forgot Password, answer your security question and then reset your password. See Forgot Password for more information.