Inactive products
The Review items with no transactions and Review inactive items are used to delete or inactivate products with little or no transaction history to ensure they do not clutter forms and hierarchies used at store level.
Review items with no transactions
The Review items with no transactions form displays a list of all items that have never had a transaction at any store. Items with no transaction history can be deleted.
- Navigate to FredNXT Head Office > Merchandising.
- Select the item(s) to be deleted and click Delete.
These items will be completely removed from Fred NXT Head Office.
Depending on the number of items selected, the delete process may take a while.
Review Inactive Items
The Review inactive items form displays a list of all products sorted by date of last transaction. While these products cannot be deleted, they can be set to Inactive to ensure they do not clutter other forms used by stores.
- Navigate to FredNXT Head Office > Merchandising.
- Review the product based on the Last Transaction Date.
- Select the relevant items and click On-hand inventory to check if the SOH is 0.
- Click Update to hide these items from view at store level.
- Purchase Trade agreements are expired.
- Sales trade agreements are expired.
- Selected Items are removed from all product hierarchies, except Retail and Brand (if applicable).
- Items are removed from any assortments.
- The Coverage group of the selected items is changed to Do Not Order.
- Barcodes, reorder codes and AppCAT matching are retained to prevent the creation of duplicate products in the future.