Fred Office Release 4.8

Over the last few releases of Fred Office, the Fred team has implemented a newer release process which enables a smoother upgrade experience for our users.

This process also give us the flexibility to release more frequently. We are initially aiming for bi-yearly releases around March and September, to ensure that our customer requests and feedback can be implemented regularly.

Fred Office is a feature-rich back office product, that also connects to Fred Dispense Plus, and our upcoming Fred POS Plus product.

Release 4.8 Overview

Demonstration Videos (more coming soon)

Focus on Smarter Faster Safer

The focus for Fred Office 4.8 release is on providing a Smarter Faster Safer experience for our users. It was important for us to understand the needs of our stores and their staff and provide solutions for efficiency around core activities within Fred Office.

Keys areas of focus were faster creation of items and orders, smarter data maintenance, additional columns throughout Fred Office to assist in more advanced filtering options and improving the application update process and end experience for the user.

User feedback items

The following enhancements have been included as a result of customer feedback.


What's Fixed in Fred Office 4.8?