Integrated Robot Stocktake

Update Committed Quantities

Import robot stock holding into Fred Office Plus

Follow the steps below to import the stock holding in a robotic dispensing machines directly into Fred Office Plus.

  1. In Fred Office Plus, go to Assistants, then Stocktake, then click New.
  2. Enter a name for the stocktake and select Adjust stock on hand by difference when stock count was performed, then click OK.

    Example: ROBOT Stocktake YYYY.MM.DD

  3. Select Add Items > Import Stock From Robot.

  4. Click OK to proceed.

    All items in the Robot, including those with zero stock on hand, will be added to the stocktake file.

    If you see an Imported tab, then follow the steps for Review Imported Stocktake.

    It is recommended to add the Committed column to the view as the Robot will import only items physically in the machine. A Stocktake will adjust the Stock on Hand level. You will need to either check the Committed items and excess stock or items in dual locations before committing the stocktake.

    Refer to Customise the grid for help with Column Chooser, adding or changing the View.

  5. Using the Committed column, confirm scripts are waiting to be sold. Update the CountedClosed The Counted value is the total SOH for the item being counted column to include the Committed value.

    Example: there is a Committed Qty of 1 and Robot has imported 7 therefore the total SOH is 8. Change the Counted from 7 to 8.

  6. Review and finalise.

    Key points to check for:

    • Check for items in both Robot and OTC/Shop Floor. Check for items with excess stock and broken packs not in the robot. Remove these lines or manually count excess stock and override the Counted column for these lines.

    • Check for large changes between Counted and SOH when Counted.
    • Check for items with SOH when counted as negative. (These may already be on order or special orders - awaiting on stock).

  7. Commit the stocktake.
    To update/finalise SOH figures:

    1. Select Protect.

    2. Select Calculate and then click Commit.

    3. Select Yes to commit.

      This cannot be undone.

    The SOH is adjusted by the Difference.