Temporary items
Temporary item are products not recognised by Fred Office Plus. They occur because the PDE has changed or they are new to Fred Office Plus when the item is returned via an electronic invoice. These items appear marked with a warning icon:
When receiving electronic invoices, click on Match Temp Items to resolve all Temp Items in bulk. This action will first check if items exist in the database to match to supplier information.
If the item reorder codes cannot be matched to any existing stock cards, the Create Item Wizard will auto-launch to load and create the Temp Items.
If found in AppCAT, items will show in the Create from AppCAT tab of the wizard. If not, the items will show in the Create Manually tab.
Alternatively, to resolve individual lines, right click on selected line and select one of the following options:
- Match Item: Allows the temporary item to be merged with an existing item via a wizard. This should be used when the item already exists in your database but has simply not been recognised. If you match the temporary item to an item in your database, Fred Office Plus will then add the supplier details to the ‘matched’ item and update any other invoices in the system with the new match.
Create Item: Allows the temporary item to be added as a new item into your database. This should only be used when you are certain the item does not already exist in your system.
Always ensure that you navigate to Links -> AppCAT. See Match item to AppCAT for more details.
- Discard Item: Discards the item allowing you to proceed without creating the item or matching it to another item in your database. This should only be used when the item is more of a service type where you do not receive the item as stock. Extra costs associated with invoices such as delivery/freight fees can be handled using the other costs department.