November 2020


In this issue

WEBINAR Beyond the Token

Our 'Beyond the Token' ePrescriptions webinar presented on 14 October is now available for you to watch on demand.

The upcoming rollout of My Script List (MySL) will provide you and your patients further flexibility in digitally accessing their medications. See how your pharmacy will be able to complete patient consent and access your patients MySL in MedView Flow.

We received some great questions post webinar, which the team are currently working to collate and answer. We will be adding these to our ePrescriptions Webinar Questions page which will continue to evolve throughout the rollout of ePrescriptions.

Webinar Demonstrations: MedView Flow

Demo 1 - Beyond the Token using MySL

Demo 2 - Patient Registration for MySL

Demo 3 - MedView Flow Store Phone App

South Australia: Monitored drugs require patient's date of birth

From 1 November 2020, pharmacists in South Australia must record the patient's date of birth for Monitored Drugs (S8 Drugs plus monitored S4 Drugs). This change is required in preparation for the implementation of Real Time Prescription Monitoring in South Australia next year.

Fred Dispense currently prompts for date of birth when an S8 drug is dispensed in South Australia.

Late Addition: The 2 November program update includes changes to also prompt for the monitored S4 drugs.

What's New in Fred Dispense?

MedView Flow COM Installer Prompt

The MedView Flow Com Installer provides a "bridge" to enable communication between MedView Flow and Fred Dispense.

If you haven't already installed the MedView Flow COM Component on some or all of your dispense terminals during a previous Program Update, you will see the following message during the November 2020 Program Update.

Make sure that you install this component on every terminal that is used for dispensing.

For more information, refer to MedView Flow COM Installer.

Improvements to Drug Mismatch for ePrescriptions

When a drug prescribed on an ePrescription cannot be matched in the drug database, the blue information message now prompts you to press any key to manually search for the drug. Upon pressing any key, you can then perform a search for the correct drug using the Drug or Repeat No field.

Title removed from token printout

For conformance, the token printout must not imply gender. Therefore the title has been removed and only the 1st letter of firstname is included.

ePrescribing Help

Looking for help with ePrescribing? Take a look at the Electronic Prescriptions section of this help site to assist you with your ePrescribing queries. Below are some of the topics:

Fred Help Centre to be Retired

Due to aging technology and security concerns we are planning to retire the Fred Help Centre, which has been in operation since 2008.

The Fred Help Centre Menu item in Fred Dispense has also been changed to link to Fred Dispense Online Help (this site).

Use the menus at the top of this site (pictured below) to access:

  1. Fred Dispense Help
  2. Fred Pak Help
  3. An archive of PDFs from the Fred Help Centre.

Alternatively, enter a search term in the search box (D).

This Month's PBS Changes

For the full Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits, go to the PBS website at where you can search the schedule by drug name.

For your convenience, we've also uploaded a printable summary of this month's important PBS changes to this site:

Please note that the Government provides this information under embargo to Fred IT Group to enable next month’s PBS changes to be incorporated into your drug file. We have provided this information in this newsletter to prepare you for the changes, maximising patient availability/access and enabling you to adjust your stock accordingly. A condition of the embargo and in the interests of the quality use of medicines is that the information must not be released to the public or otherwise distributed prior to 1 November 2020.

View the PBS Summary of Changes

For Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) items (CAR and non-CAR), please refer to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits as well as Services Australia to confirm whether the PBS item code for a HSD is eligible to be dispensed and claimed by your pharmacy type.

Running the monthly update for Fred Dispense

Download the update procedure Checklist