Export Drug Specifics

The Export Drug Specifics tool is used to export specific information about a drug from one pharmacy to another.

The drugs for exporting are selected by stock group, but any of the drug specifics listed below can be selected for exporting.

  1. From the Activities menu, select Drug Management, then select Export Drug Specifics (or press [Alt+A] then [G] then [E]).
  2. Select a stock group or stock groups from the list.
  3. Select the drug specifics you want to export; for example, User Drug Code and Private Price.
  4. Click Export.

    By default, the file is saved to the local Fred folder as drugexportyyyymmdd.fde, or you can change the name and location as required.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Enter a description for the export file, then press [Enter].

    A message is displayed when the information has been exported successfully.

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