Your Tailored Stocktake Steps

Here are your answers to the Interactive Stocktake Helper. If you want to change any of the answers, you can start the Interactive Stocktake Helper again.

When do you want to do the stocktake? During Business Hours (while trading)
What do you want to count? Department
Are your Committed quantities accurate? No/unsure
How will you count the stock? Manually

Committed quantities are firstly reset to zero and recounted manually to ensure accuracy. A stocktake file will then be created in Fred Office Plus and set to ensure stock sold/ received is accounted for during the stocktake. It is recommended to use Fred Mobility to count the stock for ease and accuracy. However, stock may be counted manually taking into account the limitations. Once the count is complete the file will be reviewed, protected and committed.

Overview of Your Tailored Stocktake Steps

  1. Update Committed Quantities

  2. Create stocktake file (Adjust stock on hand by difference when stock count was performed) in Fred Office Plus.

  3. Count the stock manually and enter count into the stocktake file

  4. Review Discrepancies, Protect and commit the stocktake

Update Committed Quantities

Create the stocktake file for the stocktake

Count the stock (Manual)

Review Discrepancies, Protect and commit the stocktake