Sales reports

Summary of report
An advanced report that caters for users measure their best or worst performers based on sales, profit or quantity sold.
Users can select a date range to review the best / worst performers within the date range
This information can then be viewed by Bes or Worst items across the whole store, items within each category, items within each department, categories, departments and months.
Users can also filter by a suppler to determine best / worst performing products for that supplier.
Further to this, this report lets users nominate the number of records to show.
Use for:
Locate best or worst performing items by department (based on sales, qty sold or profit).
Locate best or worst performing items by category (based on sales, qty sold or profit).
Locate best or worst performing items for a given supplier (based on sales, qty sold or profit).
Monitor a nominated Group of product for performance over time.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Item Description | Detailed description of item | ||
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | Y | |
Sales | Sales (inc tax) ex Govt recovery | Y | |
Month | Default display is ALL. Add Month splits display into Month columns | Y | |
SOH | Current stock on hand count (total SOH) | Y | |
Year | Y | ||
Quarter | Y | ||
Profit | (Retail ex tax – Cost ex tax) | Y | |
Quantity Sold | Y | ||
SOH$ | (Current SOH x Unit cost of item ex GST) | Y |

Summary of report
Provide a summary of sales information relating to Cahier performance at the pos within a selected date range.
Use for:
Monitoring achievement of targets for average sales / average profit earned
Monitoring achievement against specific personal targets
Monitor discounts give as a total by each cashier
Compare cashier performance for relative date ranges
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Cashier | |||
Qty Sold | |||
Ext Cost Ex | (Cost ex) x Qty Sold for all items sold by Cashier in period | ||
Sales Ex | Sales for all tenders (including “by account”) ex GST recorded through the register (and, if this is the “auto-charge” register, including scripts charged direct to account for the Batch).This value has not had ‘returns” deducted | Y | |
Sales Inc | Value of sale (inc GST) charged to account | ||
Trans. Count | |||
Total Sales ex | [(Sales ex) + Gov recovery] for cashier for period | Y | |
Total Sales Inc | [(Sales Inc) + Gov recovery] for cashier for period | ||
Disc $ | Value of Discount allowed per Item/Transaction | ||
Total Profit | Total profit generated from sales by cashier in period | Y | |
Avg Profit | [(Total profit)/ Trans Count] for cashier in period | ||
Avg Sale Inc | [Total (Sales inc)/ Trans Count] for cashier in period | ||
Gov Recov | Estimated value of Govt recovery attributable to Scripts “sold” | Y | |
Total Markup % | {[(Total sales ex) – (Ext Cost Ex)/ (Total Sales ex)} x 100 | Y | |
Total Margin % | {[(Total sales ex) – (Ext Cost Ex)/ (Total Sales ex)} x 100 | Y | |
GST | Y | ||
Refund | Y |

Summary of report
Display similar data across two nominated date ranges.
Results are displayed independently and then as a variance between the nominated results are displayed.
Allows users to view differences in product, department, category or supplier performance in sales, profit, tax and other sales related indicators.
Use for:
Find and compare performance of a key sales or profit indicator.
Compare sales & profit for a Department, Category item.
Compare sales & profit for a supplier or manufacture.
Detect tends on sales or profit indicators.
Use trends to determine purchase and budgeting information.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | ||
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | Y | |
Item Description | Detailed description of item | ||
Total Sales 1 ex | Sum of Sales ex tax for period 1 | ||
Gov Recov 1 | Total Gov recov attributable to sales in period 1 | ||
Cost 1 ex | Sum of cost of goods in period 1 | ||
Total Profit 1 | |||
Total Sales 2 ex | Sum of Sales ex tax for period 2 | ||
Gov Recov 2 | Total Gov recov attributable to sales in period 2 | ||
Cost 2 ex | Sum of cost of goods in period 2 | ||
Total Profit 2 | |||
Qty Sold 1 | Qty sold in period 1 | Y | |
Qty Sold 2 | Qty sold in period 2 | Y | |
Qty Sold Var | (Qty Sold 2 – Qty Sold 1) | Y | |
Sales 1 Ex | Y | ||
Sales 2 Ex | Y | ||
Sales var | (Sales 2 ex – Sales 1 ex) | Y | |
Profit Var | (Profit 2- Profit 1) | ||
Gov Recov Var | (Gov recov 2 – Gov recov 1) | Y | |
Disc 1 $ | Total discounts allowed in period 1 | Y | |
Disc 2 $ | Total discounts allowed in period 2 | Y | |
Disc var $ | (Disc 2$ - Disc 1$) | Y | |
GST 1 | Y | ||
GST 2 | Y | ||
GST Var | (GST 2 – GST 1) | Y | |
Cost var | (Cost 2 ex – Cost 1 ex) | Y | |
Total Sales var | (Total sales 2 Ex- Total Sales 1 ex) | Y |

Summary of report
Display the Profit of each product by month, for the designated date range.
Beaks down the actual sales into months and displays each month accordingly.
Can optionally include items not sold at all to highlight dead stock by profit.
Use for:
Compare profit for current month verses same month last year.
Forecast profit on seasonal stock based on performance from previous year.
Determine low profit stock for purchasing efficiency for a specific supplier or manufacture.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | ||
Item Description | Detailed description of item | ||
SOH | Current stock on hand count (total SOH) | Y | |
SOH$ | (Current SOH xUnit cost of item ex GST) | ||
Profit YTD | Sum of Profit per month for the previous 12 months plus this current month. | ||
This Month | Generated in the current month | ||
Last Month | Generated in the immediate past month | ||
Month-2 | |||
Month-3 | |||
Month-4 | |||
Month-5 | |||
Month-6 | |||
Month-7 | |||
Month-8 | |||
Month-9 | |||
Month-10 | |||
Month-11 | |||
Month-12 | |||
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Primary Supplier | Name of the preferred supplier | Y | |
Reorder Number | PDE number of the preferred supplier | Y | |
Item Location | Location in store recorded in Item Stock card | Y |

Summary of report
Display the Sales of each product by month, for the designated date range.
Beaks down the actual sales into months and displays each month accordingly.
Can optionally include items not sold at all to highlight dead stock (by sales value).
Use for:
Compare sales values for current month verses same month last year.
Forecast sales data on seasonal stock based on performance from previous year.
Determine low sales stock for purchasing efficiency for a specific supplier or manufacture.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | ||
Item Description | Detailed description of item | ||
SOH | Current stock on hand count (total SOH) | Y | |
SOH$ | (Current SOH xUnit cost of item ex GST) | ||
Sales ex YTD | Sum of Sales per month for the previous 12 months plus this current month. | ||
This Month | Generated in the current month | ||
Last Month | Generated in the immediate past month | ||
Month-2 | |||
Month-3 | |||
Month-4 | |||
Month-5 | |||
Month-6 | |||
Month-7 | |||
Month-8 | |||
Month-9 | |||
Month-10 | |||
Month-11 | |||
Month-12 | |||
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Primary Supplier | Name of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Reorder Number | PDE number of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Item Location | Location in store recorded in Item Stock card | Y |

Summary of report
Display the Usage (Units) of each product by month, for the designated date range.
Beaks down the actual usage data into months and displays each month accordingly.
Can optionally include items not sold at all to highlight dead stock (by usage value).
Use for:
Determine purchasing quantities bases on data from previous years.
Forecast Usage data on seasonal stock based on performance from previous year.
Compare Usage values for current month verses same month last year.
Determine low sales stock for purchasing efficiency for a specific supplier or manufacture.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | ||
Item Description | Detailed description of item | ||
SOH | Current stock on hand count (total SOH) | Y | |
SOH$ | (Current SOH xUnit cost of item ex GST) | ||
Qty Sold YTD | |||
This Month | Generated in the current month | ||
Last Month | Generated in the immediate past month | ||
Month-2 | |||
Month-3 | |||
Month-4 | |||
Month-5 | |||
Month-6 | |||
Month-7 | |||
Month-8 | |||
Month-9 | |||
Month-10 | |||
Month-11 | |||
Month-12 | |||
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Primary Supplier | Name of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Reorder Number | PDE number of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Item Location | Location in store recorded in Item Stock card | Y | |
Usage ex YTD | Sum of Usage per month for the previous 12 months plus this current month. |

Summary of report
Display basic sales and profit information.
Can show sales data either inclusive or exclusive of tax and show data in different groups level.
Such as grouping by each department and/or categories as well as showing individual items.
Alternatively, it can show only department or category levels without each item.
Results can be shown as either margin or markup and will give the user a breakdown of performance based on the % of sales across the nominated date range.
Use for:
Sales & profit reporting by department
Sales & profit reporting by department & category
Sales & profit reporting by department, category and item
Sales & profit reporting by a specific supplier or manufacturer to measure profit performance
Profit margins or martkup
Department / categoy / item performance pace on the % of total sales for the given date range
Profit data inclusive or exclusive of government recovery
Profit data or exclusive of tax
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Department | Department the item belongs to | Y | |
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | ||
Qty Sold | |||
Cost Ex | Unit cost of the item in a transaction | ||
Gov Recov | Estimated value of Govt recovery attributable to Scripts “sold” | ||
Disc. $ | |||
GST | Y | ||
Total profit | [(Total Sales inc + Govt Recovery) – (Ext Cost Ext)] | ||
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | Y | |
Item Description | Detailed description of item | Y | |
Markup% | [(Sale value ex tax- extended cost ex tax)/(Extended cost ex tax)] x 100 | Y | |
Margin % | [(Sale value ex tax- extended cost ex tax)/(Sale value ex tax)] x 100 | Y | |
Total Sales ex | [(Sales ex) + Gov recovery] | Y | |
% of Sales ex | [(Total Sales ex – Gov recov)/ Sum of (total sales ex –Gov recov) for whole report] x 100 | Y | |
% of Sales Ex (Gov recov Inc) | [(Total Sales Ex/Sum of Total sales ex for the report)] x 100 | Y | |
Sales Ex | Sales for all tenders (including “by account”) ex GST recorded through the register (and, if this is the “auto-charge” register, including scripts charged direct to account for the Batch).This value has not had ‘returns” deducted | Y | |
Profit | [(Sales value ex tax – Ext Cost ex)] | Y | |
% of Sales inc | [(Total Sales inc – Gov recov)/ Sum of (total sales inc –Gov recov) for whole report] x 100 | Y | |
% of Sales Inc (Gov recov Inc) | [(Total Sales Inc/Sum of Total sales ex for the report)] x 100 | Y | |
Total Sales Inc | Y | ||
Sales Inc | Value of sale (inc GST) charged to account | Y | |
Primary Supplier | Name of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Reorder Number | PDE number of the prefered supplier | Y | |
Item Location | Location in store recorded in Item Stock card | Y |

Summary of report
An advance report that allows the user to measure many key indicators for sales.
Users can view costs, sales, profit, customer count, and tax for a department / category arrangement.
This can be displayed on a month my month basis and be utilised down to a product level if required.
It can be further filtered by suppliers.
Due to the nature of the report, it can also be configured to show a direct month vr month comparison or each department or category in a year on year comparison.
Use for:
Measure sales information on monthly or yearly basis for the purpose of determining trends and performances.
Compare department / category performance against time.
Compare monthly information for department/category.
Measure performance of supplier or manufacturer information.
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Item Description | Detailed description of item | Y | |
Department | Department the item belongs to | ||
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Item Code | Item look-up code for item charged to account | Y | |
Sales | Y | ||
Month | Default display is ALL. Add Month splits display into Month columns | Y | |
SOH | Current stock on hand count (total SOH) | Y | |
Year | |||
Quarter | Default display is ALL. Add Month splits display into Quarter columns | Y | |
Quantiry Sold | Y | ||
Profit | sales ex tax – Ext cost ex tax | Y | |
SOH$ | Current SOH x Unit cost of item ex GST | Y | |
Sales Absolute variation | Sales in tax in period – sales inc tax in immediate preceding period | Y | |
Profit variation | Profit for a period – Profit for immediately preceding period) | Y | |
Qty Sold variation | Qty sold in period – qty sold in immediately previous period) | Y |

Summary of report
Displays information in multi-dimensional pivot style table.
This allows a large amount of flexibility and allows users to customise the display to perform a large number of report roles.
For this reason, this is considered an advanced report.
Using this report will allow users to get information such as sales, profit, customer count or discounts over time per register, department & category or by cashier
Due to the advance nature of this report, it can also be manipulated to display a year on year or month by month comparison of the same data.
Use for:
Cashier performance per hour
Department/category performance per hour
Week and day comparison per hour
Day comparison week on week
Column Definitions
Column Heading | Definition/Calculation | Group by | Add from Column Chooser |
Sales | Y | ||
Activity Count | Y | ||
Time Sold | Splits daily sales into hours | ||
Weekly Sales | Clumps rows of report into weekly periods | ||
Category | Departmental Category the item belongs to | Y | |
Department | Department the item belongs to | ||
Day Sold | Splits weekly sales into individual days | ||
Cashier | Y |