Import Tool - Minimum Order Qty Import

Using the Import Tool

What file types can be imported

Only .txt or .csv files can be imported.

How are items matched?

Items are matched by their Fred office Supplier Reorder code. The reorder codes in the import file must already exist against an item with the selected Fred Office Supplier, or it will not be updated.

What happens if a match is found for Inactive or Temp items?

There is no limitation on what items will have their Min Order value adjusted if a match is found during import. This means Temp, Inactive items will be updated.

What happens if Min Order in the import file is invalid?

All Min Order values will be imported into Fred Office; however, the Ordering section of Fred Office will detect any invalid numbers (such as negative numbers) and treat these items as having a Min Order value of 1 (the default value).

Importing a MOQ file

The following procedure assumes you have saved the import file on your computer. The file must be a .txt or .csv file.

The import file must follow this format: Supplier ReorderNumber MinimumOrderQty.

For example:

Sigma 120537 24

Sigma 000059 24

Sigma 000075 24

The file must not contain column headings. This will cause an error.

To import the file

  1. From the Tools menu, select Launch Import Tool. The Fred Office Import Tool displays.

  2. Click Browse…
  3. Locate and select the file to import, and then click Open

    The Fred Office Import Tool shows two columns:

    • The left-hand column indicates the supplier(s) read from the import file. 

    • The right-hand column indicates the Fred Office Suppliers.

  4. Select the Suppliers from the imported file and then select the appropriate Associated Fred Office Suppliers checkbox. This is the supplier(s) to apply this import against.

    • You can match the imported supplier against multiple suppliers in Fred Office. For example, if the imported supplier is Sigma, the imported reorder numbers for Sigma could be mapped against, Sigma VIC, Sigma NSW.

    • Matching of the imported supplier items is based on the Reorder Number supplied in the Import file.

    • If there is a matching Fred Office supplier item for the associated Supplier(s) with the Reorder Number imported, then the Minimum Order Qty is updated for these items.

    • If the reorder numbers imported do not match against any Supplier Items for the associated Suppliers in Fred Office, the minimum order quantity is not updated.

  5. Repeat the above selection and matching to Associated Fred Office Suppliers until all suppliers listed in the imported file have been selected.
  6. Click Import.

    Fred Office remembers your selections for this supplier, so that next time this supplier is imported, the appropriate suppliers will be pre-selected.

  7. Click OK to continue. If any suppliers in the file are not mapped to an Associated Fred Office supplier, a list will be displayed.

    The file will now be imported and appropriate suppliers updated.
    Once the import completes, the Import Successfully Completed dialog displays with the results of the import.
  8. Click Yes to open the Import Log File to view more details including item matching details and Min Order updates performed.