Overdue accounts or outstanding balances FAQ
- Open the Account List report.
- Change the Account Format filter to Credit, Loyalty, Hire or Layby.
- Click Run Report.
- View figure of the Balance column (below the grid).
If you want to get a total for all accounts you will need to record this figure, re-running the report for each of the account formats.
- Go to Contacts, then select Accounts.
If using the buttons this will automatically default to Charge Open.
- Click Show All.
- Right-click on the bottom grid line under the Balance column and select Sum.
- Open the Account List report.
- Leave Credit selected in the Account Format filter.
- Click Run Report.
- View the figure of the Balance column (below the grid).
- Go to Contacts, then Accounts.
If using the buttons this will automatically default to Charge Open.
- Click Show All.
- Right-click on the bottom grid line under the Balance column and select Sum.
- Click the column filter icon
on the top-right of the Type column heading and select Personal or TAC or Work cover.
To remove this filter click below the bottom grid line.
- Open the Account List report.
- Leave Credit selected in the Account Format filter.
- Select Personal or TAC or Work cover.
- Click Run Report.
- View figure on the bottom of the Balance column (on the bottom of grid).
- Go to Contacts, then select Accounts.
- Search for the account and view the Balance column.
- Go to Contacts, select Accounts, and then select Statements.
- View Amount column for the scheduled statement run (bottom of screen).
- Go to Contacts, select Accounts, and then select Statements.
- Highlight the current schedule (bottom of page) and click Summary to display the Statement Summary report.
- View columns Days 30, Days 60 and Days 90.
These figures will only display if you have selected Show 30, 60, 90 day balances in Tools>Account>Options>Statements tab.
This is not a time-based setting but rather 30 is the previous statement’s overdue amount — 60 is the overdue from the statement before that and 90 the amount outstanding from statements prior to these two.
- Open Account Activity report.
- Leave the Account Format filter set to Credit.
You can restrict this report to an Account Type(s) by ticking Personal, Supplier, TAC, W/C and/or Other.
- Select the Start and End date via the Transaction Between filter.
- Click Run Report.
- Open Account Activity report.
- Leave the Account Format filter set to Credit.
- Use the Transaction Between filter to select the Start and End date .
- Click Advanced Filters.
- Click the group(s) in the Account Group Selection filter.
- Click Run Report.
- Go to Contacts, then select Accounts.
- Click Statements.
- Highlight the current schedule (bottom of page) and click Summary.
- Use Column Chooser to add in the Visits column.
The Visits column shows the number of times a payment has been received through the register and/ or sale has been made. It does NOT show activity through back office.