June 2022


In this issue

Drug Matching for private drugs using AMT

The June release includes a new feature to improve drug matching of private drugs. This feature makes use of Australian Medicines TerminologyClosed The Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) is the national terminology that delivers unique codes to unambiguously identify originator and generic brands of medicines commonly used in Australia. It also provides standard naming conventions and terminology to accurately describe medications. (AMT) codes in the eRx payload to either make a direct match or to display a list of possible matches (in the case of a generic AMT code).

When there is a direct match, the Drug field is populated on the dispensing screen and an icon displays above the field. Hover over the icon to display a tool tip with the following information.

Where there are multiple possible matches, Fred Dispense displays the following screen with a list of possible drugs.

The message at the top of the window (outlined in red) explains how the matching was performed.

End of financial year and stocktaking help

It's nearly time for End of Financial Year Reporting and Stocktaking. To assist you with these processes, refer to the following Fred Office resources:

Important reminder for department stocktakes

If you plan to do a department stocktake, make sure that all product items are assigned to a department. Otherwise, items will be missing from your stock count.

National Customer Experience Survey 2022

To better understand how we can improve as your pharmacy IT partner we are inviting our customers to complete an annual National Customer Experience Survey. Your perspective is important to us and even if you have not contacted us recently, we would appreciate any feedback you may have.

The survey is confidential, will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is designed to capture what is most important to you and your business when working with our products and services.

The 2022 survey invitation was sent via email on 23 May to every Fred customer, however if you have not received this or would like to participate, please email helpdesk@fred.com.au and we will organise this for you.

This Month's PBS Changes

For the full Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits, go to the PBS website at http://www.pbs.gov.au/ where you can search the schedule by drug name.

For your convenience, we've also uploaded a printable summary of this month's important PBS changes to this site.

For Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) items (CAR and non-CAR), please refer to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits as well as Services Australia to confirm whether the PBS item code for a HSD is eligible to be dispensed and claimed by your pharmacy type.

Running the monthly update for Fred Dispense

Download the update procedure Checklist