Change Supplier PDE

Important Information about HID, HLD and OWN

The following supplier PDE Numbers should never be removed or edited without reviewing:

  • HID is a code entered in the Supplier code field in Lists > Drugs. It is used to hide the drug from the drug selection screen when dispensing. For example, HID can be used to hide particular brands of a drug a pharmacy may not wish to dispense.
  • HLD is similar to HID, but the drug remains visible in the drug selection screen. If a drug with the HLD supplier code is selected during dispensing, the user is warned that the drug is on hold and prompted to confirm their drug selection.
  • OWN is a code entered in the Supplier code field in Lists > Drugs, to indicate users can enter their own PDE numbers for drugs that have no Supplier information.

The supplier information for drugs with OWN, HID or HLD in the Supplier code field is not updated with the Fred Dispense Monthly Update.