Print and Report on Patient Medication Profiles

Fred Pak


Print a Patient Medication Profile

  1. Display the relevant Patient Medication Profile.

  2. Select Print Profile or press <ALT+P>.

  3. Enter your initials in the Pharmacist Initials popup.

  4. Click OK.

Print an Abbreviated Medication Profile

  1. Select the relevant patient in Fred Pak.
  2. Select Activities > Print Abbreviated Medication Profile.
  3. Enter your initials in the Pharmacist Initials popup.
  4. Click OK.

    Profile Analysis Report

    The Profile Analysis Report provides information on how many Patient Medication Profiles have been generated in a selected date range.

    1. In Fred Pak, select Reports > Profile Analysis Report.

      The Profile Analysis Report popup displays.

    2. Select one of the following, depending on what you want to report on:
      • A - All Patients
      • N - Nursing Home Patient
      • O - Non Nursing Home Patients

        For hospital pharmacies, you can further filter the report by Ward.

    3. Set the date and time range for the report.
    4. If you want to include drafts, enter Y in the Include Drafts? box.
    5. Select Generate.

    Detailed Profile Report

    The Detailed Profile Report is similar to the Profile Analysis Report but will provide detailed information of each profile that was completed in the date range specified such as patient name address and Medicare/DVA card number.

    1. In Fred Pak, select Reports > Detailed Profile Report.

      The Detailed Profile Report popup displays.

    2. Select one of the following, depending on what you want to report on:
      • A - All Patients
      • N - Nursing Home Patient
      • O - Non Nursing Home Patients

        For hospital pharmacies, you can further filter the report by Ward.

    3. Set the date and time range for the report.
    4. If you want to include drafts, enter Y in the Include Drafts? box.
    5. Select how you want to Order Report by—for example by Date, Patient or Nursing Home.
    6. Select Generate.