The Pre-Packing Report
Fred Pak
The Pre-Packing Report is used as an order and checking sheet. The Pre-Packing report can be used by the person who will pack the medication into the blister packs.
The Pre-Packing report will only show medications that are actually being packed. For example, an additional medication such as Ventolin will not print on the Pre-Packing report as it is not physically being packed in the packing cycle. For a full list of medications, including those that are not packed, run a Medication Summary Report.
Print a Pre-packing Report for a Nursing Home
Select Reports > Pre-packing Report. The Nursing Home Pre-Packing Report popup displays.
- Enter a Nursing Home code or leave blank for all Nursing Homes.
Optionally, you can limit the report to a range of surnames.
The dates are pre-populated from the Lists > Nursing Homes current packing dates.
Select Print.
A preview of the report will display on the screen.
- Select the printer icon at the top of the screen to print this report.
The total column on the right hand side of the report displays the total number of tablets packed in the date range the Pre-packing report was generated for.