Drug Notes

You can add customised notes to drugs - both drugs in the Fred Dispense drug file and your Own Brand drugs. These notes are displayed in a pop-up window during dispensing.

To manage drug notes:

  1. From the Lists menu ([Alt+L]), select either Drugs ([D]) or Own Brand Drugs ([B]).
  2. On the drugs window, select Notes ([Alt+N]).
    The Drug Notes window is displayed.
  3. The Drug Notes window has two tabs with identical controls:
    • Drug Note tab: Select this tab to maintain notes for a specific medication.
    • Generic Note tab: Select this tab to maintain notes for a specific generic medication (the notes will appear for all brands of that medication with the same strength and form).
  4. In the text area, enter the note to be displayed.
  5. If you want the note pop-up to require acknowledgement during dispensing, tick the Acknowledge checkbox.

    The pharmacist will need to press [C] to dismiss the pop-up during dispensing
    If this checkbox is not checked, the pharmacist can press any key to dismiss the pop-up.

  6. Select Save to save your note; or select Cancel to discard it.