Click and Collect

Sales Orders

Click and collect applies to items ordered from the website and processed in store.

Click and Collect orders are imported using the DIEF template GroupsSalesOrder.xlsx

Process Click and Collect orders

  1. In Fred NXT POS, tap Customer Order.

  2. Tap Recall Order to open the Recall orders dialog.

  3. Search for the relevant order:

    • Customer Number or Order Number as found on the web order.

    • Date

    You must enter at least one search parameter in order to enable the Search function.

  4. From the results screen, highlight the relevant order, then tap Pick up Order.

    You are returned go the Sales orders screen.

  5. Tap View Details to display a displaying the list of items in the selected order.

  6. Tap Pick up All Items to add the items to the POS transaction.

  7. Select the appropriate tender option, then complete the transaction.

    In most cases, the tender selected will be a special payment method created to flag paid web orders.

    The same payment method is displayed as a separate tender option that can be reconciled against payments made via the website.