Discount a transaction


You may be required to apply a discount to an entire transaction in Fred NXT POS if a customer is eligible for a discount of some type (for example, Senior), or discount is applicable for the product. Any product marked as Not Discountable at your store will not have a discount applied.

Depending on you store settings, there may be a maximum discount percentage allowed. If the discount percentage entered exceeds the limit, a warning message is displayed and the discount is not applied.

Discount an entire transaction by a percentage (%)

  1. Tap the Discounts tile.
  2. Tap the Total Discount % tile.
  3. Enter a discount percentage.

    The discount is applied to all products displayed on the transaction screen.

    The products are displayed at the discounted price. An additional line below each product shows the discount amount for that product, as both a percentage and the actual dollar amount.

    The discount percentage is also applied to any additional products added to the transaction.

  4. Complete the transaction.

Discount an entire transaction by a dollar amount ($)

  1. Tap the Discounts tile.
  2. Tap the Total Discount Amount tile.
  3. Enter a discount amount (in dollars and cents).

    The discount is applied to all products displayed on the transaction screen.

    The products are displayed at the discounted price. An additional line below each product shows the discount amount for that product, as both a percentage and the actual dollar amount.

    The total discount amount applied across the products is proportional to the retail price of each product. For example - if there are four products on the transaction, the retail price of each product is discounted by 25%.

    If there are four products on the transaction, the retail price of each product is discounted by 25%.

  4. Complete the transaction.

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