Fred Dispense Plus - 22 July 2021

Release Notes

New in Fred Dispense Plus

Fred Dispense Plus automatically applies both software and drug updates. No user intervention is required, but please ensure that your server PC is always switched on as automatic updates are applied outside of business hours.

Drug Search - More search options

More options have been added to make searching for drugs easier.

The drug matching logic has also been improved when an eRx prescription is scanned into Fred Dispense Plus

Drug Barcodes

You now have the ability to store a barcode against a drug to assist with ScanCheck validation.

From Wait screen > Administration > Drugs, search and select the relevant drug, then enter the Barcode.

User added barcodes will display in bold text and can be removed by selecting the barcode and then clicking on the minus button.

Fixed in Fred Dispense Plus

Fred Office – Unlisted Repat items

Unlisted Repat items are now correctly sent to Fred Office.

Fred Office – Continued Dispensing

Cancelling a continued dispense script will now result in the cancellation being sent to Fred Office.

Program Automatic Updates

The reliability of the automatic software updates has been improved.

PBS Claiming Screen – CTG scripts

The Claim Amount column on the PBS Claiming screen now displays the correct value for CTG scripts.

Wait Screen

Improvements have been made to the performance of the wait screen after dispensing a script.

My Health Record (MyHR)

My Health Record functionality is now working as expected in Fred Dispense Plus. See My Health Record for more information.

Error on First Login

In some cases an error would appear when logging in for the very first time. This is now fixed.

Migrated Pack Labels

For some migrated pack labels, the content of the label could not be edited. This is now resolved.

Safety Net Trigger

In a rare scenario, the Safety Net Reached prompt could trigger too early.

F3 Repeats Remaining - Duplicates

Under some scenarios, duplicates could appear in the F3 Repeats Remaining screen. This has now been fixed

CTG - S100

Section 100 items are not eligible for Closing The Gap. The CTG discount is no longer applied when the selected drug is a Section 100 item.

CTG – Removing the CTG discount

Previously when the CTG flag was switched off and a script was edited, the price did not re-calculate correctly in some circumstances. This has been fixed.